Monday, January 24, 2005

Welcome Home!

Originally uploaded by juststeve.
Home again, home again, jiggity jigg.

Well we made it. I was sooo excited when we got on that plane yesterday. As Rhea pointed out we were having a 48hr Friday. In all actuality though we had quite an easy trip. We left GZ at 4:30 to Hong Kong. Had a quick dinner of fried noodles in the airport and then caught the 9:50 flight from HK to San Francisco. M fell asleep at take off and R watched a movie for about an hour and then slept for most of the flight. I can’t say I slept all that well but all in all it was an easy and relatively painless flight.

After we arrived at SFO went thru countless lines of stamping and passport checks and then were finally greeted by Mom, Eliza and Annie. Everyone looked so happy. I couldn’t believe how big Eliza was. Of course E wanted nothing to do with me all her attention was M. A trend which seems to be continuing today.

M seems to be fitting right in she’s friendly to everyone and loves exploring the house. Our first night went pretty well considering the time change. She slept from 10-12:30 and then we were up again until 3:30. Not bad considering. M seems to be adjusting well to her new mom and sister. She’s spending her time wandering around the house and playing. Rhea was up all night I think. She read an entire book and started another.

Of course right now she’s passed out on the floor of the living room. I think she went to sleep at 9AM. I’m sure we’ll work thru al the sleep issues in time.

All in all everyone is mostly healthy and very happy to be home.


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